How can so many be wrong?

The way is much narrower than most believe
It is strongly evident the scriptures teach us to be Torah pursuant. The mainstream church, on the otherhand, tells us not to be Torah pursuant. The arguments I have heard for continuing in the doctrine taught by the protestant Christian church go something like this:
"How could God allow Paul's words to be twisted for 2000 years?"
"Why would God allow his message of salvation delivered by pastors, evangelists etc. be thwarted?" Or, the summation: "How could so many be so wrong?" This is how Papa Sparkling and I reply: 'How can so many be wrong?' is not a way to measure truth. The plumb line is the Word. We can only use Scripture as the measuring stick, not man's opinion. THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A FAITHFUL REMNANT We know, for example, in the European dark ages, literacy was almost zero. The common people didn't have the Word, and the majority of teachers were Catholic preaching a different gospel. For hundreds of years it was that way. Would there have been a faithful remnant? Absolutely. Probably those who had been taught truth orally, but not reading it for themselves. JESUS' COMMAND WAS NOT OBEYED DURING REFORMATION...
Then it's very conceivable other commands weren't obeyed as well! Likely, the majority of teachers in that region of the world, up until the Reformation, were teaching error. Then Martin Luther, who led the Reformation, taught infant baptism. How could a man used by God to enlighten Europe get such a important and fundamental doctrine wrong? How many in Europe for hundreds of years actually obeyed the commandment to believe and be immersed? Probably very, very, few. Infant baptism is unscriptural, yet Luther taught it. The people would have by and large, received that teaching for a long, long time. When we see what Luther came out of (Catholicism), it is not difficult to see how he continued with that error. He had so much right, and some things still very wrong. THE WAY IS (VERY!) NARROW More than half -- the majority -- of the world's Christian population are Catholic. All those sheep are following a stranger. Many strangers, or false teachers, in fact. How could God, the creator of heaven and earth, permit so many to follow error? They all "twist" Paul's teaching on grace (Eph 2:8) and that Yahushua is our only mediator (1 Tim 2:5). This is the majority of people who call themselves Christian. They are twisting Paul's writings, and Yah is permitting that -- why is it so hard to believe others will misunderstand Paul's writings as well? We have been continually taught what has been passed down to us, and not all of it aligns with scripture. I think this scripture refers to both unbelievers, and those taught scriptural error here: "The Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, 'Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things.'" Jeremiah 16:19
'Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things.' Jeremiah 16:19
If one says people in that time period were not Torah pursuant, how do you know? The remnant is scattered throughout the world, and the way is narrow. FALSE DOCTRINE AGAINST TORAH WAS FROM THE BEGINNING We know Constantine taught false doctrine due to anti-Semitsm and a desire to marry so-called Christianity with paganism. It's likely he changed the Sabbath to Sun-day (something Catholics readily admit), got rid of YHWH's feasts in favour of pagan celebrations. We see the same anti-Semitic tendencies in the Reformers. Luther despised the Jews, which led to anti-Torah doctrine, the same doctrine propagated by Constantine hundreds of years prior. One only needs to examine the so-called Lord's Day, Christ-mass and error over the pre-tribulational rapture to see how easily tradition replaces truth (the very thing Yahushua railed against). EVEN ISRAEL WENT HUNDREDS OF YEARS NOT OBEYING TORAH In Nehemiah, those who came back from captivity hadn't kept His commandments for hundreds of years, but once were given the Word, believed and were obedient. USE THE REST OF SCRIPTURE TO UNDERSTAND PAUL Thankfully, we have His Word and everything that Paul says must line up with what Peter says, which must line up with what James says, which must line up with everything Yahushua says, which must line up with what Moses and the rest of the TaNaKh says. The only way there can be contradictions is if scripture is twisted, and many have attempted to do that, but His Word prevails. SOME IN THE KINGDOM WILL TEACH OTHERS TO NOT DO THE LEAST COMMANDMENTS... they are considered "least" Jesus warned there will be some in the kingdom who will teach others not to do even the least of the commandments. We find it interesting that these individuals are in the kingdom of heaven. They are saved, but considered least because they tried to annul the least of the commandments in the Torah. We want to be sure we aren't doing that. "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and Earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments AND TEACHES men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:18. As far as we can see, heaven and Earth are still here. We are to walk as Yahushua walked (1 John 2:6), and as the Word who came in the flesh and kept Torah perfectly (or else couldn't be our unblemished lamb), we are being obedient to Him (His Word, His Torah) out of love.