The cure
Garlic curing in one of our outbuildings
Garlic. Need I say more? Delicious. Favourful. Theraputic. Beautiful.
It was Canada Day yesterday and Papa Sparkling spent it harvesting garlic. We could have stood in line at a bouncy castle, rubbed elbows with other sweaty Canadians, or spent $7.50 for a plastic cup of lemonade.
But no, we spent it at home. Mowing the lawn, doing laundry after a hosting a number of overnight guests, and harvesting garlic. All rather patriotic acts, I thought. Taking care of business in order to serve others, and being industrious -- what could be more Canadian?
i would have liked to sing a corporate Oh Canada, though. Maybe I will today with the children sometime..."Yah keep our land, glorious and free. Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee..."