The cure
Garlic curing in one of our outbuildings Garlic. Need I say more? Delicious. Favourful. Theraputic. Beautiful. It was Canada Day...

Mini garden tour
Oppressive heat has been replaced by morning mist and a dewy morning. How I love these moments in summer. After almost 40C heat this past...

Top 10 farm workouts
(Strengthen your 'traps with cow pulls. No need for gimmicky workouts on a hobby farm!) You know you live in a sedentary culture when the...

Making hay the hard way
(It's hay making time. Here's a guest column Papa Sparkling wrote last year at this time for the Armchair Mayor News) The sun was...

Terror in the barnyard
Just so no one gets the wrong idea about life here, I'd thought I'd come clean and let you all in on a little secret: Things at Shalom...

The stone that took down Goliath
As a gardener who has an interest in food security, I have been an observer and sometimes writer on the organic vs. GMO movement and...

Everybody's a whisperer but me
Some people just have a way with animals. My neighbour is one of those people. Whether it be due to practice or some inborn talent, she...